
Honorary Consul of Ukraine

Jonathon Freedman

Jonathan was recognized by the State Department as an Honorary Consul of Ukraine on March 10, 2008, by His Excellency, Ambassador Oleh Shamshur. He served as a voluntary missionary in Ukraine for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints between 1993-1995. Jonathan received his degree from BYU and co-founded Downeast Outfitters, a clothing and furniture brand with 64 retail locations in the western United States. He has received recognitions such as Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and was named of Utah Business Magazine's "40 under 40" top business leaders under the age of 40. He serves on the boards of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts and the Governor's Mansion Foundation and is a past president of the Utah Consular Corps. Jonathan resides in Salt Lake City with his wife and five children. He is the current president of the Utah World Trade Center.


1418 E Military Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103


TEL: (801) 588-0088


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